File name Chr6310A Help for Visual Basic.txtProgrammable DC Electronic Load
This instrument driver provides programming support for Programmable DC Electronic Load.
It contains functions for opening, configuring, taking measurements from, and
closing the instrument.
To successfully use this module, the following conditions must be met:
For GPIB instrument drivers:
- the instrument is connected to the GPIB.
- the GPIB address supplied to the initialize function must match the
GPIB address of the instrument.
For VXI instrument drivers:
- the instrument is installed in the VXI mainframe and you are
using one of the following controller options:
Embedded controller
- the logical address supplied to the initialize function must
match the logical address of the instrument.
For RS-232 instrument drivers:
- the instrument is connected to the RS-232 interface.
- the COM port, baud rate, parity, and timeout supplied to the
initialize function must match the settings of the instrument.
Error and Status Information:
Each function in this instrument driver returns a status code that
either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition.
Your program should examine the status code from each call to an
instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.
The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors
The description of each instrument driver function lists possible error
codes and their meanings
How To Use This Document:
Use this document as a programming reference manual.
It describes each function in the
Programmable DC Electronic Load
instrument. The functions appear in alphabetical order, with a description
of the function and its Visual Basic syntax, a description of each parameter,
and a list of possible error codes.
Function Tree Layout:
Class/Panel Name: Function Name:
Initialize Chr6310A_init
Init Interface Chr6310A_InitInterface
Initialize With Options Chr6310A_Init |